Here are the files I currently have available for download:
NOTE1: This software is most likely to be used and appreciated by people at
least a bit like me. Ie: You know what a command prompt is and aren't afraid to
use it. You have a reasonable understanding of how files are placed in a
directory "tree". If you are more interested in "clicking" something and
watching "magic happen", then you are less likely to be interested in this
NOTE2: From time to time I improve and update the files posted here. The
timestamps indicate when I last updated the file. Starting June 2021 I will add
'+' lines showing what changed in the last couple of updates.
NOTE3: To minimize this ever-growing page, I have moved more detailed
descriptions of the packages to a separate page, and made the (date size)
information clickable to take you there. Use your browsers BACK button to
get back!
Want to see what was most recently changed/added?
Here are: Downloads sorted by timestamp!
List of: individual files within the various .ZIPs!
DDSDNLD Verify DDS download files (23/12/10 9.6k)
DDSDNLDB Current DDS download database .. <3k ..
DDS free Packages:
Dunfield Virtual Machine a tool to run my products under Win64/Linux (23/12/3 55.7k)
+ Misc. fixes
- also a product to enable others to have powerful programmable subsystems "most anywhere".
DVM for Linux! "" for Linux (23/12/10 65.4k)
+ More options to handle filename cases, DVMOPT tool
Micro-C DVM my C compiler for DVM/Win64/Linux (22/3/22 148.2k)
+ Improvements to command line and library.
Micro-C DOS/Win32 my C compiler for DOS/Wim32 (21/6/7 220.6k)
DVMRP DVM Remote Process example (23/12/10 18.8k)
DDS handy Tools & Utilities:
These are mainly little tools I created for my own use, but since they have
been so useful, I decided to make them available to others.
ACC auto Adapt&CompileC from toolset to another. (24/3/2 12.9k)
BFS Binary File Search (23/12/10 12.8k)
+ New
CGS help track C Global Symbol references (23/12/10 7.2k)
CHT C Help Text generator (23/12/10 32.5k)
+ Add command-line help to .COMs without taking ANY working memory.
CKW ChecK Web links in manually generated pages (21/3/6 6.8k)
CLIPTOOL ease moving text via clipboard (23/12/10 8.1k)
COMP More powerful COMPare command. (23/12/10 6.7k)
+ Added -'V'erbose option
CSANA C Source Analasis tools (23/12/10 17.7k)
CSLIST Make C format list/#defines of names (23/12/10 4.4k)
CSUCLC C Source Utils I did during Comp.Lang.C discussion (23/12/10 32.4k)
DBBD DosBox BootfloppyDisk builder! (25/1/14 2128.4k)
+ Improved drive creation, auto-hard drive, help etc.
DdsBuilDer a tool to simplify building with Micro-C (23/12/10 22.3k)
+ New
DDCBU Copy/Backup/Move utilities (24/6/7 195.5k)
+ Added ISYNC, IBK (SYNC and BACKUP) between trees)
+ Included CHANGED tools (formerly separate)
DDLINK Transfer files via COM, LPT or NET (25/1/26 82.6k)
+ Added tools to help make COM/LPT cables
+ Options for non-interactive (eg: in .BAT) transfers
+ Added DDCM (interactive command menu)
DDS Attach ANY file to email! (23/12/10 12.1k)
DDVM Decrypt file(s) and pass to .DVM program (23/12/10 6.1k)
DECZIP Decrypt .ZIP files I may have emailed to you(23/12/10 3.3k)
DLCMD Do commands on files in "Directory" list (23/12/10 11.1k)
+ New
EDT text editor (23/12/10 47.3k)
ENCTXT Encode text/source for online posting (23/12/10 10.0k)
ESP Executable String Patcher (23/12/10 32.2k)
+ Added ESPATMAT, Full editor and other improvements.
FCFT Find Changed Files by Timestamp (23/12/10 9.6k)
FFF FastFileFind tools (22/8/24 31.7k)
+ Added FFSAME (find identical files)
FINDSYM easily track symbol use in source files (23/12/10 31.3k)
+ Major improvements
FTOOLS; Working file management tools (23/12/11 109.9k)
+ New
FTS Tools for tracking File Time/Size in large DIRs (23/12/10 28.0k)
FVF Find/View File(s) in large tree(s) (23/12/10 12.5k)
KEYMAP Easily map keys without installing "stuff" (23/12/10 12.4k)
KEYSUB Substitute DOS keys independant of Shift/Ctrl/Alt (23/12/10 12.4k)
+ Disable/Enable, other improvements
LBDIR Scan dir tree, list New/Old/Large/Smallest files (23/12/10 6.6k)
LIBTST Testing the Micro-C library! (23/12/11 25.3k)
LONGEST Find longest line in file(s) (23/12/10 3.6k)
LSL LittleScriptLanguage (22/11/21 13.2k)
M100TOOL Tools for TRS-80 Model-100 (24/8/27 58.5k)
+ Improved help & Monitor
MKPKG MaKe PacKaGe installer (24/9/17 22.1k)
PC Programmers Bin/Oct/Dec/Hex calculator (22/11/21 14.6k)
PKTDRV Collection of NIC "packet" drivers (23/12/10 622.2k)
PTXTP Patch TeXT files with Presets (23/12/11 11.5k)
+ Select Preset setups for likes of: Config, Batch, Source, etc. files
PW Password generator - maintain secure passwords (22/11/21 4.5k)
R86I Record program 8086 INTs (23/12/11 4.4k)
RAMD easily setup/change IMDISK RAMdrive (23/12/11 2.5k)
+ New
RCCB Remove C Conditional Blocks (23/12/11 7.4k)
RDALL Read ALL files in a tree (23/12/11 8.9k)
SINCE Record time & see what changed in tree later (23/12/11 7.7k)
SRSMTF Search/Replace Strings in Multiple Text Files (22/11/21 7.8k)
SYSTIME set/show DOS SYSTEM time/date (23/2/2 3.2k)
+ More concise & can replace MagicDosBox missing TIME
TOUCH Set Windows file(s) MODIFIED timestamp (23/12/11 7.5k)
TXP TeXt Preprocessor (22/10/4 10.8k)
VLT View Large Text/Hex (22/11/21 27.8k)
+ Added VLX to view hex dump format!
WDIR Walk command through DIRectories (22/11/21 5.6k)
MON86 demo of MON86 from XTOOLS (20/12/19 9.4k)
Unblock files blocked by Windows (21/3/6 8.1k)
X10CTRL control X10 devices from computer (23/12/19 21.0k)
ZDIR list/touch (update timestamp) files within .ZIP (24/7/29 9.7k)
Source code:
Some of these may need my CHT utility to prepare help files from special
inline comments.
BASIC interpreter (example "scripting language") (23/12/10 20.5k)
EXAMPLE C programs (21/1/30 46.5k)
Much of my older published software (and some of my newer stuff) runs under DOS
which is not supported on modern 64 bit systems. Fortunately
The DosBox project provides a decent 16 bit DOS environment in many modern
DOSBOX my DosBox(Megabuild6) (readme.txt) (24/12/4 1578.1k)
DBUTIL some handy tools I created for DosBox (23/12/10 113.1k)
WinPcap needed for DosBox networking (Win7-) (22/12/21 874.6k)
Win10Pcap "" works in Win10+ (22/12/21 1022.5k)
PortTalk needed for DosBox hardware parallel port (11/6/2 66.4k)
Third party stuff:
7zip (Win32) one of the best file archivers (20/12/14 1084.4k)
7zip (Win64) "" (20/12/14 1344.5k)
Borland TASM good DOS assember (please see enclosed 00README.TXT) (20/12/2 90.8k)
IMDISK good/simple RAMDISK (21/12/29 363.5k)
LccWin32 Little C Compiler for Windows (09/3/7 6230.8k)
mTCP2207 Mike Brutmans TCP suite 2022-07-01 for DOS (22/7/14 780.6k)
MS-DOS 4.00 Boot disk with extras (25/2/1 1059.3k)
PC-DOS 7.10 Boot disk with extras (25/2/1 1431.5k)
PKZIP for DOS (22/7/20 202.5k)
Sysinternals Streams used to remove hidden data streams from files (20/12/14 499.5k)
- As from Microsofts site, not much documentation, but see my UNBLOCK
T80M100 nice TRS-80 Model100 emulator (24/12/5 1469.0k)
Additional DDS files:
Click HERE for some of my older downloads from my previous
Click HERE for source code I'm releasing.
In the above lists, dates and sizes are about my master copies, and reflect
when the content was last updated.
Want to see what was most recently changed/added?
Here are: Downloads sorted by timestamp!
Back to DDS main page.