Older DDS/DOS Downloads
These are some of my older files I made available on my previous site which are mainly DOS programs. Many of them I have not converted to run under DVM/Win64 because:
This is a collection of 'widgets' that I've written for DOS over the years. They range from trivial utilities to complex packages. Some are well documented, some not. They are presented here "as is" in the hope that some people will still find them useful.
Stay tuned! the collection is by no means complete. I will be adding to it as I find the time. Check back from time to time to see whats new.
Larger packages have been pre-installed. Just unpack the .ZIP into a blank directory, and ignore any notes about INSTALL programs in the docs.
These program will run well under DOS and also the Win32 DOS environment. You can use DOSBOX (available on my site) to run most of these programs quite well under WIN64! (I've even used DOSBOX on my phone to run them)!
BATUTIL Batch file utility (11/4/21 8.4k) CHAINSAW Remove entire directory tree/branches (10/1/31 3.3k) DIFF Show differences between two text files (10/1/31 7.3k) DDSPELL Spell checker (10/1/30 28.0k) DOSREP New ATTRIB, FIND, MORE, TREE and XCOPY cmds (10/2/1 17.3k) DR Date-Ranger, find oldest and newest file in tree (10/1/31 5.5k) DUS Disk usage summary by directory (10/1/31 6.1k) EXPRESS eXpress Switch-dir, Find, Compare & Treesearch (11/6/21 25.7k) EXTRACT Extract range of lines from text file (10/1/31 1.7k) FASTFIND Quickly Find/view/edit/search any file in tree (12/8/3 45.9k) FDIR Fullscreen directory/shell (10/1/31 7.9k) FSCAN File consistancy scanner (10/1/31 8.4k) HELP Interactive HELP command (10/1/31 50.6k) KEYMAP TSR key remapper (10/1/30 5.5k) LOCATE Multi pattern locate text in files (10/1/31 7.0k) MAE Encode binary files in ASCII text (10/1/30 11.7k) OFF Screen saver (10/1/31 7.7k) PKTSHELL PocketShell - Menu/Shell optimized for PDA (10/2/11 28.8k) RDC Remote DOS console/file transfer, COM or LPT (11/1/15 9.8k) REDIRECT Redirect command output to file (10/1/30 4.3k) RETAB Retabulate text files (10/1/31 3.0k) SIZE Report size of file (10/1/31 2.2k) SLOWPC Slow down a too-fast PC (10/1/30 3.3k) STUFF Keyboard stuffer (10/2/1 2.1k) SYNC Synchronize directory trees (12/8/3 23.6k) TFB TSR File Browser (10/1/30 8.0k) TIMEIT Time program execution (10/1/31 2.0k) TYPESET Simple text document formatter (10/1/30 13.1k) VALPATH Validate all files in path (10/2/1 4.0k) WORKLOG Calendar/time logger (10/2/14 8.7k) XDISK Read/Write floppy disk images (10/2/1 3.6k) ZIPD ZIP encryption package (for email) (13/10/3 4.7k)
CTA 'C' call-tree analysis (10/1/30 18.0k) DUMP Hex/Octal file dump (10/1/31 2.8k) EMBEDPC Tools for DOSless PC use (10/1/30 47.9k) HEXED Hexidecimal file editor (11/4/18 6.0k) PPDEBUG Parallel port debug/signal tool (10/1/30 5.7k)
DLM RS-232 data-line monitor (10/1/30 58.0k) LAPTALK Small terminal with scripting (10/2/1 37.9k) LES RS-232 line error simulator (10/1/30 7.8k) MTERM Tiny TSR terminal program (10/1/30 9.7k) PC100 VT-100 terminal emulator (14/10/13 67.7k) SERMON multi serial monitor/tty/logger (10/4/11 13.9k) SDT Serial Debug Terminal (11/6/15 7.6k)
BRIDGE Ethernet bridge with error injection (10/1/30 8.1k) DHCP Auto-configure WATTCP or mTCP via DHCP (11/5/1 7.1k) ETTY Ethernet TTY (Terminal) (13/6/25 11.6k) MACMON Monitor network/PC activity/DNS, with curfew alarms (11/4/24 12.3k) PKTLG Ethernet packet load generator (10/1/30 8.2k) SNIFF Ethernet packet sniffer (12/9/15 49.0k) TFTP TFTP client/server (11/2/4 10.9k)
CAM16 Basic with many HW interfaces (used for DH child) (10/1/30 112.5k)
29F040 Quick and dirty 29F040 device programmer (10/2/11 5.2k) AVRLOAD AVR in-circuit programmer (10/2/2 14.3k) DAIDPI Configure AnalogDevices SHARC DAI/DPI (10/2/11 16.8k) DMS In-circuit monitor/debugger many/configurable CPUs (10/2/1 236.3k) DESMO Debug Scripting Monitor (PC hosted monitor) (10/2/2 40.3k) EDIT7S Display (7-segment) character editor (10/2/11 6.8k) I2CE Parallel-port I2C EEPROM device programmer (10/2/2 10.9k) MODBUS Modbus test/diagnostic tools (10/2/12 12.2k)
ALTAIR Altair 8800 simulator (24/6/13 531.4k) D6809 Dunfield 6809 simulator (24/11/24 280.6k) H8 Heathkit H8 simulator (10/1/30 138.7k) HORIZON NorthStar Horizon simulator (14/8/28 199.5k) MOD8 MIL MOD-8 8008 simulator (22/2/1 116.4k)
EDITMP3 MP3 tag editor (10/1/30 15.6k) ELF Edit Long Filenames (interactive multi-file) (11/1/6 12.6k) GAMES Various games (10/2/1 102.6k) IMD ImageDisk - floppy diskette imaging (24/6/23 116.2k) IMDSRC ImageDisk - source code (24/6/23 87.4k) LCD Custom LCD layout and simulation tools (10/1/30 37.0k) MICROCAD Tiny drawing/capture program (10/1/30 38.8k) MORSE Morse code trainer (10/1/30 7.4k) TESTFDC Test PC floppy disk controller (10/1/30 6.8k)
8051ICE 8051 In-circuit emulator (10/2/23 16.3k) 8031DWG Simple 8051 designs (10/2/23 10.2k) CP290 Control X10 CP290 interface (10/3/9 13.1k) DBOX Control multiple VCRs with Sony LANC protocol (10/2/23 56.7k) EPROM Design for an EPROM programmer (10/2/23 43.8k) IR232 RS232 controlled learning infrared remote (10/2/23 22.2k) LINETOOL Telephone line analysis/test tools (10/1/30 31.3k) PCLA Logic analyser using parallel port (10/1/30 26.0k) PCRMT Learning IR remote using serial port (10/1/30 25.1k) QDRE Quick & Dirty Rom Emulator (10/4/14 228.1k) RINGSW Telephone line distinctive-ring selector (10/2/23 10.2k) S230DIAG Diagnose/Repair SGC230 AutoTuner (09/5/25 119.6k) UT81 Interface to the UNI-Trend UT81 ScopeMeter (10/3/5 65.8k)
DOSBOOT DOS boot with CD/DVD, USB, networking.. lots more (12/12/27 1392.3k)
NEOS-151 Peer-to-peer DOS network (24/11/7 204.5k) NEOS-DL "" (DiskLess) (24/11/7 245.9k) NEOS-XT "" (XT/8088) (24/11/7 211.6k) NSETUP I created a better SETUP for "" (24/11/7 9.4k)
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