Downloads by Timestamp (most recent first)
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DDSDNLDB Current DDS download database .. <3k ..
DDLINK Transfer files via COM, LPT or NET (24/12/23 73.0k)
T80M100 nice TRS-80 Model100 emulator (24/12/5 1469.0k)
DOSBOX my DosBox(Megabuild6) (readme.txt) (24/12/4 1578.1k)
MKPKG MaKe PacKaGe installer (24/9/17 22.1k)
M100TOOL Tools for TRS-80 Model-100 (24/8/27 58.5k)
ZDIR list/touch (update timestamp) files within .ZIP (24/7/29 9.7k)
DDCBU Copy/Backup/Move utilities (24/6/7 195.5k)
ACC auto Adapt&CompileC from toolset to another. (24/3/2 12.9k)
X10CTRL control X10 devices from computer (23/12/19 21.0k)
FTOOLS; Working file management tools (23/12/11 109.9k)
TOUCH Set Windows file(s) MODIFIED timestamp (23/12/11 7.5k)
SINCE Record time & see what changed in tree later (23/12/11 7.7k)
RDALL Read ALL files in a tree (23/12/11 8.9k)
RCCB Remove C Conditional Blocks (23/12/11 7.4k)
RAMD easily setup/change IMDISK RAMdrive (23/12/11 2.5k)
R86I Record program 8086 INTs (23/12/11 4.4k)
PTXTP Patch TeXT files with Presets (23/12/11 11.5k)
LIBTST Testing the Micro-C library! (23/12/11 25.3k)
PKTDRV Collection of NIC "packet" drivers (23/12/10 622.2k)
LONGEST Find longest line in file(s) (23/12/10 3.6k)
LBDIR Scan dir tree, list New/Old/Large/Smallest files (23/12/10 6.6k)
KEYSUB Substitute DOS keys independant of Shift/Ctrl/Alt (23/12/10 12.4k)
KEYMAP Easily map keys without installing "stuff" (23/12/10 12.4k)
FVF Find/View File(s) in large tree(s) (23/12/10 12.5k)
FTS Tools for tracking File Time/Size in large DIRs (23/12/10 28.0k)
FINDSYM easily track symbol use in source files (23/12/10 31.3k)
FCFT Find Changed Files by Timestamp (23/12/10 9.6k)
ESP Executable String Patcher (23/12/10 32.2k)
EDT text editor (23/12/10 47.3k)
DVMRP DVM Remote Process example (23/12/10 18.8k)
DLCMD Do commands on files in "Directory" list (23/12/10 11.1k)
DDSDNLD Verify DDS download files (23/12/10 9.6k)
DDS Attach ANY file to email! (23/12/10 12.1k)
ENCTXT Encode text/source for online posting (23/12/10 10.0k)
CSLIST Make C format list/#defines of names (23/12/10 4.4k)
COMP More powerful COMPare command. (23/12/10 6.7k)
CLIPTOOL ease moving text via clipboard (23/12/10 8.1k)
CHT C Help Text generator (23/12/10 32.5k)
CGS help track C Global Symbol references (23/12/10 7.2k)
BFS Binary File Search (23/12/10 12.8k)
BASIC interpreter (example "scripting language") (23/12/10 20.5k)
DVM for Linux! "" for Linux (23/12/10 65.4k)
DECZIP Decrypt .ZIP files I may have emailed to you(23/12/10 3.3k)
DDVM Decrypt file(s) and pass to .DVM program (23/12/10 6.1k)
CSUCLC C Source Utils I did during Comp.Lang.C discussion (23/12/10 32.4k)
DBUTIL some handy tools I created for DosBox (23/12/10 113.1k)
DdsBuilDer a tool to simplify building with Micro-C (23/12/10 22.3k)
DBBD DosBox BootfloppyDisk builder! (23/12/10 1774.3k)
CSANA C Source Analasis tools (23/12/10 17.7k)
Dunfield Virtual Machine a tool to run my products under Win64/Linux (23/12/3 55.7k)
SYSTIME set/show DOS SYSTEM time/date (23/2/2 3.2k)
WinPcap needed for DosBox networking (Win7-) (22/12/21 874.6k)
Win10Pcap "" works in Win10+ (22/12/21 1022.5k)
WDIR Walk command through DIRectories (22/11/21 5.6k)
VLT View Large Text/Hex (22/11/21 27.8k)
SRSMTF Search/Replace Strings in Multiple Text Files (22/11/21 7.8k)
PW Password generator - maintain secure passwords (22/11/21 4.5k)
PC Programmers Bin/Oct/Dec/Hex calculator (22/11/21 14.6k)
LSL LittleScriptLanguage (22/11/21 13.2k)
TXP TeXt Preprocessor (22/10/4 10.8k)
FFF FastFileFind tools (22/8/24 31.7k)
PKZIP for DOS (22/7/20 202.5k)
mTCP2207 Mike Brutmans TCP suite 2022-07-01 for DOS (22/7/14 780.6k)
Micro-C DVM my C compiler for DVM/Win64/Linux (22/3/22 148.2k)
IMDISK good/simple RAMDISK (21/12/29 363.5k)
Micro-C DOS/Win32 my C compiler for DOS/Wim32 (21/6/7 220.6k)
Unblock files blocked by Windows (21/3/6 8.1k)
CKW ChecK Web links in manually generated pages (21/3/6 6.8k)
EXAMPLE C programs (21/1/30 46.5k)
MON86 demo of MON86 from XTOOLS (20/12/19 9.4k)
Sysinternals Streams used to remove hidden data streams from files (20/12/14 499.5k)
7zip (Win64) "" (20/12/14 1344.5k)
7zip (Win32) one of the best file archivers (20/12/14 1084.4k)
Borland TASM good DOS assember (please see enclosed 00README.TXT) (20/12/2 90.8k)
PortTalk needed for DosBox hardware parallel port (11/6/2 66.4k)
LccWin32 Little C Compiler for Windows (09/3/7 6230.8k)
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