The files contained is this archive are hereby released for anyone to use for any reasonable purpose. If used for any reason resulting in published material, I request that you: - Acknowlege the original author (Dave Dunfield) - Provide information on where this original material may be obtained: "Daves Old Computers" - I do NOT require release of derived source code! (but appreciate if you do) Be advised that I take no responsibility/liability for any use of this code! This file "COPY.TXT" may be updated from time to time and I may not make the effort to rebuild and re-upload existing archives. Best to check back to the one posted on my site! ** Note that some of these files reference my OLD site: As of 2019, it is NOW: https: // Dave Dunfield ---------- Additional Notes ---------- This is part of my goal to release 40+ years of "stuff I've written". - Almost all of this is "original material". I tend not to use "open source" or other code written by others (I **ENJOY** writing my own code)! Much of this was designed for and originally run under DOS - most of it will work well within DosBox (recomend the version on my site). YES - I do realize that most of this is obsolete in "modern computing", but I think it might be useful to some for "learning purposes". This material containes source code + needed build files, and possibly some limited documentation. See Note1! Some of the sources are for DDS released products, some for internal tools, some for "quickie" and "one of" utilities, and some for "just fun" stuff. Most of this has not been publically available before, and I've not taken the time to make it "look pretty". (You truly "get what you pay for" :-) Many of these sources are intended to be built with my own Micro-C compiler. Micro-C runs under DOS (works well in DosBox) and is free on my site! These sources may require some of my "special" tools to build. Eg: CHT often they create temp files on R: (this is a RAMdisk on my system) Most of this originally contained notices of copyright. I have changed these to be references to COPY.TXT (this file). - I wrote a program to automatically perform these changes, some of the results which appear on screen may not be "as pretty" - adjust as required. I've tried to retain the notice date/year .. please keep in mind that files written late 70's-early 80's is my "earliest" code and I was not nearly as experinced at that time! See Note2! As I go through the older material, I do at times notice techniques that I've improved on over the year, and in some cases have revised the original code. (don't be too surprised by the number of '+' entries in STATUS.TXT) Note1: More information -In cases where I've already published the executable program, I've included only very limited documentation here. For a good understanding of this software, you should look within the "normal" distribution on my site. -In cases where I have provided documentation, it may be a .DOC file Note: This a *NOT* a "windows" file - This requires my TYPESET tool! Note2: Timestamps -Don't trust the timestamps on files. In releasing this material I may have "tweaked" the files, also I did much of this under DOSBOX which has no way of setting/preserving timestamps (even COPYied files appear "new"). -Don't trust timestamps displayed by executables you might build. Some of my software displays the time it was last compiled. Note3: Support -I'm not keen to provide support for this old software. If you can't find anything of mine mentioned herein (or that you know I've written) - please do contact me - I'll see if I can add it. Dave Dunfield - Search "Dave's Old Computers" and see my "personal" link at bottom.